
3 reasons for partnering with Smile Therapy

1. Good Business Sense

If leadership was able to place a high quality message that would start each employees workday in a good and positive direction, the cost was minimal, and it was no work or effort on their part – why wouldn’t they do it?

2. Success

Second, studies from the smartest and most successful leaders who built America- Listing the 17 most common key principles to success. And of those key traits to success, Positive Mental Attitude is the most important of the 17.

Question: What does your company have in place to advance Encouragement, Optimism, Positive Reinforcement, and a Positive Mental Attitude – on a systematic, daily basis?

3. $$ Dollars/Costs

Gallup tells us 70% of the American workforce is unengaged, costing companies a fortune. Read the story on

84% of Sr leaders told The Economist unengaged employees are among the Top 3 business threats. Here are 13 things you don’t want at your Company.

Keys: Hire nice people, treat all employees with appreciation and love, share profits, give them autonomy, a fun place to work, and a sense connected-ness to their co-workers & upper management.

For over 6 years, Smile-Therapy has helped us inject a dose of positivity into our office each day. A positive work environment is very important, and Smile-Therapy helps set the tone of good thoughts each day.

-Patrick O’Toole President, Spectrum Marketing Services Group

I am a morning person who loves to start the day with a positive and optimistic attitude. For over three years Smile Therapy has proven to me to be a wonderful partner to help me get off to a good start everyday.

-Paul Mellott Jr, CEO, Mellott Companies


Elementary, Middle, and High Schools

Today’s school environment is filled with many challenges. Poor government regulations, budget constraints, high workload, stress, continual changing curriculum conditions, and we haven’t even talked about the challenges that are facing the youth of today!

Smile Therapy is intended to simply add to the positive culture of the school and organization. It’s to be utilized by the leadership, the staff, the administration, and the faculty.

As an added bonus, we recommend the schools share the optimistic and encouraging messages with the students in whatever fashion they choose. Some examples are:

  • To use in the lesson plans.
  • As morning announcements.
  • On white boards.
  • As discussion starters
  • As character education tools.

The possibilities are as wild and endless as the imagination of the school.

Simple theory: Start the staff’s mind in a good and positive direction, with high quality messages of excellence, and that will methodically filter down to the students.
Repeat, on a systematic and reliable daily basis.
As one outstanding school leader stated… “Happy teacher, happy kids.” It can truly be that simple.

Colleges and Universities

1.) Students are stressed, they are in a new environment away from home, and they are being bombarded continuously with world news negativity, and social media culture.

Ask today’s youth where they get their positive messages from, and things generally go quiet. Not many outlets.
Enter Smile Therapy.

2.) Even more crucial…we’ll add a point–blank question: Why are students truly in College? What’s the main reason for their enrollment?

It’s most likely to get a degree, prepare for their future, and hopefully get a job!
Thus Mr./Ms. Student – why not do all that you can, to become the best student you can be - to ultimately become the best potential candidate for hire?

3.) Have a look at the Character Development Chart.

It will give a solid reason for the importance that Smile Therapy will play both short and long term – to the students overall wellness and success.

4.) Critically Important study: It’s a fact that companies are now placing a large importance, on hiring for attitude, on top of skill and degree. Article in Forbes.

College Administration

1.) Adds to the positive culture of the entire campus.

2.) Competitive advantage over other schools by delivering a quality, positive message of excellence to both students and staff on a reliable daily basis.

3.) Recognizes that companies are now hiring for Attitude on top of skill. Also further advances student’s character development qualities and traits.

4.) Promoting Successful Traits– By advancing one of the key, crucial attributes to success- a Positive Mental Attitude

Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other.”

-Brian Tracy

There is little difference in people but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference- is whether that attitude is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.

-W. Clement Stone